Georgia Wavier Program
CareMed is a participant in the following Wavier Programs
CareMed is a member and a credential provider under Georgia Community Care Services Program (CCSP) is a Medicaid home and community based waiver services program that provides community-based social, health and support services to eligible consumers as an alternative to placement in a nursing home. The Georgia Department of Community Health’s (DCH) Division of Medicaid contracts with Georgia’s 12 Area.
Agencies on Aging (AAAs) to administer the program statewide. Eligible consumers may receive a combination of Medicaid-funded CCSP and other community services. The care coordinator assesses eligibility for CCSP, develops a consumer-focused comprehensive plan of care in collaboration with the primary physician and based on identified needs, and arranges for the delivery of services. The care coordinator monitors the services delivered to the program participant.
Service Options Using Resources in a Community Environment (SOURCE) serves frail, elderly, and disabled Georgians. It provides coordinated services in their home or community. SOURCE can provide adult day care, alternative living services, personal care, home delivered meals, and respite care for family caregivers. SOURCE operates under authority of the Georgia Elderly and Disabled 1915c Medicaid Waiver and provides Home and Community-Based Services to frail elderly and physically disabled people who meet the Intermediate Nursing Home Level of Care.
Independent Care Waiver Program (ICWP)
CareMed In-Home Support Services for Adult Medicaid Recipients in Georgia with Severe Physical Disabilities and/or Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).
The Independent Care Waiver Program (ICWP) in Georgia offers personal, in-home support services to help adult Medicaid recipients with severe physical disabilities live in their own homes or in the community, instead of an institution such as a nursing home or hospital.
Health Force of Georgia is a Georgia-approved participating provider of at-home care services to adults eligible to receive ICWP. This means persons who qualify for ICWP may receive homecare services at no cost to them because Health Force of Georgia is reimbursed directly by the State of Georgia. The program operates under a Home and Community-Based Waiver (1915c) granted by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Service.
Who Is Eligible for Georgia ICWP?
To be considered eligible in Georgia, a person must be 21-64 years of age with severe physical disabilities and/or traumatic brain injury and requires a level of care that is typically provided in a hospital or nursing home. You can apply while residing in a facility or if you are at risk of being institutionalized if you do not obtain the appropriate care in your home or community.
Applicants for ICWP must meet the following criteria:
Be capable of directing their own services (individuals with a TBI do not have to meet this criteria)
Have a severe physical impairment and/or TBI that substantially limits one or more activities of daily living and requires the assistance of another individual
Be medically stable but at risk of placement in a hospital or nursing facility because community based support services are not available
Be able to be placed safely in a home or community setting
Georgia Pediatrics Program (GAPP)
GAPP gives at home nursing and personal care to medically fragile children. Skilled nursing care for children in the comfort of their homes.
Our Skilled Nurses will assist with:
Daily activities
Tube feeding
Gastrointestinal disorder
Wound care
Assisting/Reminding client to take medication
Veteran Affairs Program (VA)
The Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) Caregiver Support Program (CSP) offers clinical services to caregivers of eligible and covered Veterans enrolled in the VA health care system.
The program’s mission is to promote the health and well-being of family caregivers who care for our Nation’s Veterans, through education, resources, support, and services. There is a CSP team CSP Team Locator located at every VA facilities .
CSP carries out its mission through two programs:
Program of General Caregiver Support Services (PGCSS)
Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers (PCAFC)
CareMed HealthCare Affiliates